Accueil Nouvelles du jeu Respawn Entertainment ne se concentre pas sur Titanfall est une bonne nouvelle pour Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Respawn Entertainment ne se concentre pas sur Titanfall est une bonne nouvelle pour Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Respawn Entertainment ne se concentre pas sur Titanfall est une bonne nouvelle pour Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Le manque apparent de Titanfall 3 dans un avenir proche est décevant, mais cela pourrait avoir un bon impact sur Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2.

Titanfall est un FPS de science-fiction qui permet aux joueurs d’incarner à la fois des pilotes et de grands mechs appelés Titans. La série est rapidement devenue populaire avec sa première version en raison de son action rapide, de son plafond de compétences élevé et de ses fonctionnalités multijoueurs uniques. La suite a développé tous ces éléments tout en ajoutant une campagne solo qui a été très bien reçue en raison de son écriture étonnamment forte et de sa conception de niveau fantastique. Par la suite, Respawn Entertainment a lancé Apex Legends, la bataille royale gratuite qui se déroule dans l’univers de Titanfall – bien qu’elle ne comporte aucun des mechs titulaires. Apex Legends a explosé en popularité lors de sa sortie, et il a occupé une place près du sommet de son genre au cours des années qui ont suivi ses débuts.

De nombreux fans pensent que c’est à cause du succès d’Apex Legends que Respawn Entertainment semble si désintéressé de sortir un nouveau jeu Titanfall. Cette peur n’a été alimentée que par les nombreux pirates informatiques qui ont tourmenté les lobbies de Titanfall 2 pendant des mois sans aucune action de la part des développeurs. Récemment, différents pirates ont même commencé à infiltrer Apex Legends, avec un message disant qu’ils continueraient d’essayer jusqu’à ce que Titanfall 2 reçoive l’attention du développeur. Suite aux commentaires de son coordinateur de communauté, Respawn a publié une déclaration officielle disant que Titanfall était dans l’ADN de l’entreprise, mais c’était loin d’être la confirmation qu’il était intéressé par les futures versions.

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Why The Lack of New Titanfall is Good for Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Respawn Entertainment is a reasonably big studio, housing over 300 employees as reported in 2019, but there are still only so many projects that the team can take on at once. This means that a new Titanfall game being worked on at the studio would divert possible resources away from Jedi: Fallen Order 2. Not only would a third game possibly take some of the developers away from Jedi: Fallen Order 2, but it could also possibly take away from the game’s marketing resources and support that it would need to be the best sequel possible. However, it certainly seems like Jedi: Fallen Order is a priority, with the shadow dropping of next-gen versions of Jedi: Fallen Order earlier this year being an example of this.

The lack of a Titanfall 3 also could help Jedi: Fallen Order 2 by allowing Respawn Entertainment to devote more time to its development, with the developer also not needing to fit the game into a release schedule alongside its other projects. This means that the team would be able to focus on making the game as polished and innovative as possible before its release, which could mean big things for the story, graphics, and even the lightsaber mechanics in Jedi: Fallen Order 2.

Why The Future Is Bright For Jedi: Fallen Order 2

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was a big success for Respawn Entertainment and EA, and reportedly even pushed the publisher to pivot and focus on delivering more dedicated single-player experiences in the future. As such, the idea that Respawn Entertainment is working on a sequel, and that it wants to really focus on it and ensure its success, makes a lot of sense. It also could indicate that EA will want to double-down on its single-player Star Wars properties by building its own universe within the franchise through its games. Rumors have speculated about this possibility over the past year or so, with some claiming that it will even include a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed reboot. Of course, whether or not any of the rumors are true remains to be seen over the coming years.

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Regardless of whether or not EA attempts to build its own consistent Star Wars universe, Respawn Entertainment not working on Titanfall 3 at the moment should lead to some big improvements in the sequel. Not only will the developer be able to take full advantage of new gaming hardware, but Respawn will have the time and experience to iron out some of the small issues that were present in the original, or even to take cues from other Soulsborne games for Jedi: Fallen Order 2. Of course, this will help the game be as successful as possible, and it could also help it set a new standard alongside genre juggernauts like Elden Ring.

Regardless, now is definitely an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan in gaming. With new games like LEGO Star Wars, Ubisoft’s Star Wars title, a Knights of the Old Republic remake, the rumored Mandalorian game, and possibly Jedi: Fallen Order 2, there is a lot for Star Wars fans to look forward to across several genres. It will be great to see what else Star Wars has in store for fans moving forward, and hopefully fans will get some news on everything soon.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2 is rumored to be in development.